Lighting Update.

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update on where we are with lighting, though without giving too much away.

Due to the promenade form of our Dramaturgy piece, specific, designed lighting had to be kept to a minimum. This meant that the only space that we could really design special lighting for the piece in is at the end, with the last two scenes in studio two. However, due to the nature of the piece, even that is proving interesting. This is because of the many factors that need to be taken into account when designing the lighting, such as blocking, the space itself, the audience’s position and the physical amount of lights available. As Rachel, our director, has already mentioned, we’re using white material to curtain off the performance space, giving the performance a clinical feel such as you’d get in a hospital. These white curtains may be used to great effect in the actual performance, if the lighting reflects the grotesque, yet clinical feel of the piece.

And that is all the taster you’re getting for now.

Cheer-i-o for now.


2 thoughts on “Lighting Update.

    1. In the doctors scenes, they were used to reflect the white light, and give the whole room a sterile feeling. Howver, by the time we got to the final performance the studio we were using had had black curtains installed all around, so we coulnd’t add any white curtains. We did use them in the theatre space as a filmy gauze behind which Marie and the Drum Major were dancing. They were lit with a red backlight to add effect and also throw shadows onto the cloth, which Woyzeck saw. Hope that helps.
      I’m curious now, why did you ask? We’ve not really used this blog since before summer.

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